Playing with databases - templates

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We'll implement a products database search by approximation (e.g.: when the user enters f* all products starting with an 'f' will be returned)

Here's what the HTML looks like:

	<FORM action="/cgi-bin/aptilis.exe" method="POST">
	<INPUT type="hidden" name="file" value="/home/scripts/db3.e.txt">

	<B>Products Database Search</B> <I>By approximation</I><BR>

	<INPUT type="text" name="search" size=20>
	<INPUT type="submit" value="Search...">


And now, the Aptilis program...

sub main()

	print("Content-Type: text/html\n\n")

	print("<HEAD><BASE href=\"http://localhost/aptilis/\"></HEAD>\n\n")
	print("<BODY bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\">\n")

	n = LoadDataBase(db[], "f:/projects/aptilis/documentation/targets/local/scripts/database.txt")
	print(int(n)$, " record(s)<BR>\n")

	if n = 0
		print("The database is empty</BODY></HTML>")
		return 0
	end If

	// The file that contains the template for a table row.
	t = LoadFile("f:/aptilis/scripts/row.html") $

  print("<TABLE width=50% border=1>\n")

  n = 0
  x = 0

    x = GetRecordIndexByNearKey(db[], search$, 0, x)
    if x <> -1

      getAllFields(f[], db[x] $)

      n = n + 1
      x = x + 1
    end if

  until x = -1


  print("Found: ", int(n)$, " record")
  if n>1
  end if

  print(" found.<BR>\n\n</BODY></HTML>\n")

end sub

Here is the content of f:/aptilis/scripts/row.html, our template:


<TD valign=top><IMG src="!(_em)f[3]).gif"></TD>
<TD valign=top bgcolor="#A00000"> <B>!(_em)f[0])</B> </TD>
<TD valign=top>£!(_em)f[1]) </TD>

As you can see, it is a simple text file which actually contains some HTML. The places where the variables must be inserted are indicated with the syntax: !(_em)varname).
See stuff for more details.

Things learnt

As a reminder, here is what our test database contains, it's just a text file, that could have been exported by, say, Access.
In our example, it had been saved as "c:\\aptilis\\database\\database.txt"

"Pizza"  ,"5.89","food","pizza"