A guestbook

Try online Examples

A long awaited example, this guestbook is very simple and most of the code has to do with displaying the HTML page.
Note there's no 'break' statement in the case 5 block, and that's on purpose. This illustrates why you need break statements, ie, to be able to omit them if required.

sub Init

	_DPath = "c:/temp/aptilis/" $
	_Base = "http://localhost/aptilis/" $
	_ScriptURL = "http://localhost/cgi-bin/aptilis.exe" $
	_ScriptPath = "f:/aptilis/scripts/guestbook_example.e.txt" $
	_admin = "teebo@glaine.net" $


end Init

sub purify(m)

	m = replace(m$, "\r", "") $
	m = replace(m$, "<", "&lt;") $
	m = replace(m$, ">", "&gt;") $
	m = replace(m$, "\n", "<BR>") $
	m = replace(m$, "\"", "'") $
	return m$

end purify

sub main

	print("Content-type: text/html\n\n")

	print("\t<TITLE>Aptilis guestbook</TITLE>\n")
	print("\t<BASE href=\"", _Base$, "\">\n")

	print("<BODY bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\">\n\n")

	print("<FONT face=\"arial,helvetica\" color=\"#0000D0\">")

	print("<FONT size=+2><CENTER>\n\n")

	// Change title here
	print("This is the Aptilis guestbook!<BR><I>Feel free to add your comments!</I><BR>\n")

	print("<FONT size=-1>(Scroll down to the bottom to post a comment)</FONT><BR>\n")

	select c
	case 5
		// Save post

		name = purify(name$) $
		email = purify(email$) $
		comment = purify(comment$) $

		t = int(getTime()) $
		rec = makeRecord(t$, email$, name$, comment$) $
		appendRecord(_DPath + "guestbook-data.dat" $, rec$)

		if len(_admin$) > 0
			sendmail(_admin$, _admin$, "Aptilis Test Guestbook", comment + "\n\n" + name$, email$)
		end if

	case 2
		// And Display the contents

		n = loadDataBase(db[], _DPath + "guestbook-data.dat" $)

		// Simple way to print out the last message in first

		for i=0 to n - 1
			getAllFields(fls[], db[i]$)
			if len(fls[1]$) > 0
				eml1 = "<A href=\"mailto:" + fls[1] + "\">" $
				eml2 = "</A>" $
				eml1 = "" $
				eml2 = "" $
			end if

			fillLocalTimeArray(dt[], fls[0])
			date = int(dt[3]) + "/" + int(dt[4] + 1) + "/" + int(dt[5]) $

			print("\"", fls[3]$, "\"<BR><BR>")
			print(eml1$, "<B>", fls[2]$, "</B>", eml2$, " (", date$, ")")

		end for

		print("<FORM action=\"", _ScriptURL$, "\" method=\"POST\">\n")

		print("<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"file\" value=\"", _ScriptPath$, "\">\n")
		print("<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"c\" value=\"5\">\n")

		print("<TR><TD valign=top><FONT face=\"arial,helvetica\">Your name:</FONT></TD>")
		print("<TD valign=top><INPUT type=\"text\" name=\"name\" size=40></TD></TR>\n")

		print("<TR><TD valign=top><FONT face=\"arial,helvetica\">Your e-mail address:</FONT></TD>")
		print("<TD valign=top><INPUT type=\"text\" name=\"email\" size=40><BR></TD></TR>\n")

		print("<TR><TD valign=top><FONT face=\"arial,helvetica\">Your comments:</FONT></TD>")
		print("<TD><TEXTAREA name=\"comment\" rows=5 cols=40 wrap></TEXTAREA></TD></TR>\n")

		print("<TR><TD></TD><TD valign=top><INPUT type=\"submit\" value=\"send\"></TD></TR>\n")


	end select


end main

Here's the HTML that would call the guestbook directly. Note that you do not necessarily need a target.

<A href="/cgi-bin/aptilis.exe?file=/home/scripts/guestbook.e.txt&c=2" target=_blank>Try this guestbook.</A>