
1.  Aptilis manual
2.  Contents
3.  Introduction
4.  Topics
          4.1.  Features
          4.2.  FAQ
          4.3.  For beginners
          4.4.  What are operators?
          4.5.  What are variables?
          4.6.  File names
          4.7.  How to do Web Forms
          4.8.  What are Environment Variables?
          4.9.  Advanced topics
                    4.9.1.  Importing other Aptilis scripts
                    4.9.2.  Bitmaps
                    4.9.3.  How to make a script runnable
                    4.9.4.  Uploading files from web forms
                    4.9.5.  Remote sub invocation
                    4.9.6.  User wrapping (suExec)
                    4.9.7.  Testing your script
                    4.9.8.  Persistence of data across web forms
5.  Examples
          5.1.  Hello World
          5.2.  Hello World (from a link)
          5.3.  Hello World (from a form)
          5.4.  Passing fields
          5.5.  More Aptilis
          5.6.  Sending mail (1)
          5.7.  Sending mail (2)
          5.8.  Playing with databases
          5.9.  Playing with databases - wild cards
          5.10.  Playing with databases - templates
          5.11.  Feed-back form
          5.12.  Doing graphics on the fly
          5.13.  A real life example
          5.14.  A web-based newsgroup
          5.15.  A web page counter
          5.16.  Persistent data across web forms: Sessions
          5.17.  Passing data between forms
          5.18.  A guestbook
          5.19.  A WAP application
          5.20.  Server Side Includes
          5.21.  Using fillForm
6.  Predefined Functions
          6.1.  Advanced
                    6.1.1.  Security
          6.2.  Arrays
                    6.2.1.  ClearArray
                    6.2.2.  GetArrayDimensions
                    6.2.3.  GetArraySize
                    6.2.4.  GetNext
                    6.2.5.  GetNextKey
                    6.2.6.  GetPrevious
                    6.2.7.  GetPreviousKey
                    6.2.8.  ReverseArray
                    6.2.9.  SetArrayDimensions
                    6.2.10.  SetArrayIndex
                    6.2.11.  SortArray
          6.3.  Bitmaps
                    6.3.1.  Box
                    6.3.2.  ClearBitmap
                    6.3.3.  CreateBitmap
                    6.3.4.  DeleteBitmap
                    6.3.5.  Ellipse
                    6.3.6.  Fill
                    6.3.7.  GetPixel
                    6.3.8.  GetStringMetrics
                    6.3.9.  HexColor
                    6.3.10.  Line
                    6.3.11.  OutputGifBitmap
                    6.3.12.  PrintAt
                    6.3.13.  RGB
                    6.3.14.  SaveGifFile
                    6.3.15.  SetBackground
                    6.3.16.  SetColor
                    6.3.17.  SetFont
                    6.3.18.  SetPixel
                    6.3.19.  SetThickness
          6.4.  Databases
                    6.4.1.  AppendRecord
                    6.4.2.  DeleteRecord
                    6.4.3.  GetAllFields
                    6.4.4.  GetAllRecordsByKey
                    6.4.5.  GetAllRecordsByNearKey
                    6.4.6.  GetField
                    6.4.7.  GetFixedLengthField
                    6.4.8.  GetRecordIndexByKey
                    6.4.9.  GetRecordIndexByNearKey
                    6.4.10.  LoadDatabase
                    6.4.11.  MakeFixedLengthField
                    6.4.12.  MakeRecord
                    6.4.13.  ParseDatabase
                    6.4.14.  SaveDatabase
                    6.4.15.  SortDatabase
          6.5.  Files
                    6.5.1.  AppendToFile
                    6.5.2.  ChangeDirectory
                    6.5.3.  CreateDirectory
                    6.5.4.  DeleteDirectory
                    6.5.5.  DeleteFile
                    6.5.6.  FileExist
                    6.5.7.  GetCurrentDirectory
                    6.5.8.  GetDirectoryList
                    6.5.9.  GetFileDate
                    6.5.10.  GetFileLastModification
                    6.5.11.  GetFileList
                    6.5.12.  GetFileSize
                    6.5.13.  LoadFile
                    6.5.14.  RenameFile
                    6.5.15.  SaveFile
                    6.5.16.  Advanced
          6.6.  Flow control
                    6.6.1.  Case
                    6.6.2.  Default
                    6.6.3.  Else
                    6.6.4.  End
                    6.6.5.  If
                    6.6.6.  Return
                    6.6.7.  Select
                    6.6.8.  Sub
          6.7.  Html
                    6.7.1.  FillForm
          6.8.  Input and Output
                    6.8.1.  Input
                    6.8.2.  Output
                    6.8.3.  Print
          6.9.  Internet
                    6.9.1.  HTTPLoad
                    6.9.2.  HTTPPostLoad
                    6.9.3.  LoadFile
                    6.9.4.  LoadPostFile
                    6.9.5.  SaveFile
                    6.9.6.  Advanced
                    6.9.7.  E-mail
          6.10.  Loops
                    6.10.1.  Break
                    6.10.2.  Continue
                    6.10.3.  For
                    6.10.4.  Repeat
                    6.10.5.  Until
                    6.10.6.  While
          6.11.  Math Functions
                    6.11.1.  Abs
                    6.11.2.  Atan
                    6.11.3.  Cos
                    6.11.4.  Exp
                    6.11.5.  Int
                    6.11.6.  Ln
                    6.11.7.  Sin
                    6.11.8.  Sqr
                    6.11.9.  Tan
          6.12.  Miscellaneous
                    6.12.1.  Import
                    6.12.2.  Random
                    6.12.3.  Sleep
                    6.12.4.  Template
                    6.12.5.  GetProcessId
          6.13.  Streams
                    6.13.1.  Close
                    6.13.2.  GetPosition
                    6.13.3.  Open
                    6.13.4.  Read
                    6.13.5.  ReadLine
                    6.13.6.  SetPosition
                    6.13.7.  Write
          6.14.  Strings
                    6.14.1.  Asc
                    6.14.2.  Cat
                    6.14.3.  Chr
                    6.14.4.  Format
                    6.14.5.  GetCharAt
                    6.14.6.  GetSubString
                    6.14.7.  GetTemplate
                    6.14.8.  Instr
                    6.14.9.  Join
                    6.14.10.  Left
                    6.14.11.  Len
                    6.14.12.  Lower
                    6.14.13.  Match
                    6.14.14.  Mid
                    6.14.15.  Replace
                    6.14.16.  Right
                    6.14.17.  Rinstr
                    6.14.18.  Separate
                    6.14.19.  String
                    6.14.20.  Stuff
                    6.14.21.  Trim
                    6.14.22.  Upper
          6.15.  Time
                    6.15.1.  DoTime
                    6.15.2.  FillLocalTimeArray
                    6.15.3.  FillTimeArray
                    6.15.4.  GetTime
          6.16.  Variables
                    6.16.1.  Var
                    6.16.2.  GetGlobalVariablesList
                    6.16.3.  GetLocalVariablesList
                    6.16.4.  GetVariable
          6.17.  XML
                    6.17.1.  GetXMLField
                    6.17.2.  GetXMLTagAttributes
                    6.17.3.  ParseXML
7.  Function index
8.  Appendix
          8.1.  License
          8.2.  Credits
          8.3.  The history of Aptilis
          8.4.  Aptilis on the web
9.  Copyright