
What is Aptilis?
It is a language that allows you to create interactive web sites, like shops, booking kiosks, etc. It uses what is called the Common Gateway Interface (CGI), which is an industry standard.

Why should I use Aptilis?
Because it takes a day to learn it about 2 to become productive with it. If you can do Basic, you can do Aptilis. In your company more people can do more things, more quickly. If you're a web studio, you may be using a contractor to do your CGI programming in C. Aptilis allows you to do that yourself.
The help is available online and offline in many different file formats
Aptilis is also a nice way to learn programming.
Aptilis allows you to do more, it saves you money, and it's fun to use.

Aptilis simplifies my life. How?
Aptilis has been designed for the web, so unlike other languages, you don't have to use complicated algorithms to interface with the internet.
For example the content of a Web based form is passed to you through already defined variable. Another brilliant example is that sending an e-mail takes only one command.
Aptilis has no complicated concepts such as objects, pointers, char arrays, etc.

Aptilis can help me keep my job, You're kidding, right?
No, really, Aptilis can help you keep your job!
One thing that often happens is that your company or the ISP the company you're working for uses, may change their webserver, for exemple from a Unix box to an NT based one, and a some time later back again... It happens all the time. Since Aptilis works exactly the same under these two platforms, your job is safe, no need to hire someone with different skills.

How does Aptilis make me more productive?
It's very high level, in other words, an Aptilis command does a lot of technical things that you don't have to worry about. For example 'sendmail'.
There is no compile stage which makes things easier to test. An error in your code won't cause a crash of your whole server as can happen in C.
There are two versions of Aptilis, a Windows 9x/NT/2k/XP one and a Unix one. So you can try your scripts on your own machine and once everything works, you can upload to the real server be it Windows or Unix. You might have to change a couple of paths, but that's all there is to it. You can work from home, or built useful applications for your intranet very quickly. Although it's not its main job, Aptilis can also help for some administrative tasks.
You get an executable for your platform, not some code you have to compile, as is often the (frustrating) case with Unix programs.

What are the main advantages of Aptilis compared to other languages?
To C/C++ and Java, Aptilis is so much easier to master!
To PERL Aptilis is a lot more legible.
Even if you're committed to C, you will still find aptilis extremely useful to create prototypes or demonstrators of your web applications.

Any disadvantages?
Aptilis is a language that works in its own specific way, so it has to have some challenges it solves better than others. Aptilis cannot address all programming needs, but it does address web related ones better.
Since aptilis is not compiled, it can be rightly argued that an aptilis program is slower than a C program. Aptilis puts convenience before performance, because the hardware has improved so much. It is less of a problem to use interpreted languages nowadays. As a reminder, Visual Basic, Perl and Java are also interpreted languages in most cases.

Is it well supported? Is it reliable?
The author is committed to fully support the product and is contactable via e-mail. He has been using Aptilis for many years within his own company and it is now very stable.
Until the beginning of 2002 a free hosting service was available and hundreds of users were using Aptilis on a daily basis. Because of that, a few bugs that could not have been found otherwise have been eradicated.
Since Aptilis has become a open source project now, improvements and bugfixes will happen even faster.

Where does the name Aptilis come from?
Originally, it was meant to be called 'abilis', after 'habilis', the first man who was able to use tools. But since abilis was taken, 'ab' has been replaced by the more latin stem 'apt', 'being able to'.