
Aptilis 1


FillTimeArray fills the specified array with meaningful GMT time values calculated from a standard time value.
The array given to the sub is emptied of any previous values that it might have contained.
Standard time values express the time as the number of seconds elapsed since January 1st, 1970. Such values are returned by getTime, getFileDate and getFileLastModification.
The time returned by this function is the standard time or 'Greenwich time' also know as 'GMT'. To get the time in your country (or the country your system thinks it's in) use fillLocalTimeArray.
Here are the locations of the values returned:
0: Seconds (0..59)
1: Minutes (0..59)
2: Hours (0..23) 24 hour clock=military time
3: day in month (1..31)
4: month (0..11)
5: year (full year, ex: 1997)
6: day in year (1..366)
7: day in week (0..6, Sunday is 0)

Return value:
The time given to the function in seconds and meaningful GMT values in the array specified.


t = gettime()
fillTimeArray(time[], t)
print("The GMT time is:")
print("(As of this writing)\n")
print(int(time[3])$, "/", int(time[4]+1)$, "/", int(time[5])$, "\n")
print(int(time[2])$, ":", int(time[1])$, ":", int(time[0])$)
The GMT time is:(As of this writing)