
Aptilis 1


GetPreviousKey gets the previous key of an array. Each array has a hidden index which you can set with SetArrayIndex to access all its values or keys one by one.
Once you've gotten the last element available, the hidden index goes back to the end of the array.
This is particulary useful with arrays that use string key indexing (rather than numbers), when you do not know the different keys.

Return value:
Next array key.

Example 1:

a["one"] = "un" $
a["two"] = "deux" $
a["three"] = "trois" $

SetArrayIndex(a[], "begin")
n = getarraysize(a[])
for i = 1 to n
key = GetPreviousKey(a[]) $
print("The French for '", key$, "' is '", a[key$]$, "'\n")
end for
The French for 'three' is 'trois'
The French for 'two' is 'deux'
The French for 'one' is 'un'

See also SetArrayIndex, GetNextkey, GetArraysize, ClearArray.