
Aptilis 1

GetRecordIndexByNearKey(ArrayName[], Key, Index [, FromWhere])

GetRecordIndexByNearKey works exactly like getRecordIndexByKey except that it does an approximative search.
Here, I will just explain how to do the keys.
See getRecordIndexByKey for programming examples.
getRecordIndexByNearKey is not case sensitive.

GetAllRecordsByKey and GetAllRecordsByNearKey are more high-level and allow you to retrieve several records directly, in one go.

To do an aproximate search, use the special characters '?' for any one letter, and '*' for any group of letter.
"blue"will match 'blue', exactly.
"f*"All fields begining with 'f'.
"*i"All fields ending with 'i'.
"*a*"All fields containing the letter 'a'.
"?ree"All words of any first letter ending in 'ree', like 'tree' or 'free'.
"*a"Anything ending with the letter a, like 'ha' or 'armada'

The patterns used by 'GetRecordIndexByNearKey' are exactly the same as the ones used by Match.