
Aptilis 1


LoadFile will simply load the whole content of the file you specified into a variable.
The path indicated should be constructed according to your platform.
Windows way: c:\texts\accounts\year96.txt
Don't forget to double the back-slashes in Windows!
Unix way: /texts/accounts/year96.txt

Neat trick: If your script resides on a server that's permently connected to the Internet (or an intranet) you can use loadFile to load web pages and FTP files too!
Make sure you check this aspect by having a look at LoadFile, in the Internet Family

LoadFile is very useful when used in conjonction with stuff to fill templates with data.

Return Value:
The whole file if everything was OK.
An empty string in case of error and the _errno variable contains more details about the error.

The file c:\templates\test.txt contains the following:

This is a piece of text.
That is the second line.
a = loadfile("c:\\templates\\test.txt") $
This is a piece of text.
That is the second line.

See also: saveFile.