
Aptilis 1

MakeRecord(Field1, Field2, Field3....)

MakeRecord allows you to create an individual database record, and by storing several records sequentially in an array, you can build up a database.
You need to use MakeRecord to create records in order to have them in the Aptilis specific fashion, so that you can use saveDatabase, getField and getAllFields.
Those functions implement and use the internal Aptilis database format which speeds up field extraction.
Although they are printable as strings, database records are not directly usable. The way they are stored internally will vary from platform to platform, and you cannot safely make assumptions about the way a record is stored. (For example, integers may vary in size, as well as the way bits are organized within them)

Return value:
A string where the record is stored in a special format.


// fields can be made up of strings
db[0] = makeRecord("Orange", "Orange", "Sweet, acid") $
db[1] = makeRecord("Banana", "Yellow", "Sweet") $
db[2] = makeRecord("Strawberry", "Red", "Sweet, subtle") $

// They can be made up of a mix of local and global variables
f1 = "Mango" $
_f2 = "Orange" $
f[2] = "Bitter" $

db[3] = makeRecord(f1$, _f2$, f[2]$) $

// They can also be made from an array...
fields[0] = "Lemon" $
fields[1] = "Yellow" $
fields[2] = "Acid" $

db[4] = makeRecord(fields[]) $

// or any combination of different type of values.

_nf[0] = "green" $
_nf[1] = "sweet, acid" $
db[5] = makeRecord("kiwi", _nf[]) $

//Finally, we save the file...
saveDatabase("c:\\aptilis\\db3.txt", db[])
The file db3.txt now contains:
"Orange","Orange","Sweet, acid"
"Strawberry","Red","Sweet, subtle"
"kiwi","green","sweet, acid"