
Aptilis 2

ReadEmails(destinationArray[], POP_Server, UserName, Password[[[, PleaseSave], LeaveOnServer], GetHeadersOnly])

ReadEmails uses the POP3 protocol to retrieve e-mails from a mailserver.
It will retrieve all the e-mails available, store them in an array (destinationArray[]) and erase them from the server.
So you'd better save them before ending the Aptilis program.
The next three parameter are optional:
PleaseSave: If specified and different from 0 will cause ReadEmails to do a backup of the e-mails fetched on your hard drive in the current directory (named 1.mail, 2.mail etc.), but be warned, that successive calls to ReadEmails may overwrite those backups.
LeaveOnServer: If different from 0, e-mails will not be deleted from the server. Please note: If you execute ReadEmails again, you will get the same messages! (since build 045d)
GetHeadersOnly: If different from 0, only the e-mail headers will be returned. If larger than 1, then the first n-1 lines of the e-mail will be returned also. (since build 045d)

Return value:
0 if everything went well or -1 in case of error, in which case _errno may contain additional details about the error.


userName = "" $
password = "I_am_not_telling_you" $
pop3server = "" $

print("Now starting to read e-mails\n")

// get all mails, make no backups and delete them from the server
r = readEmails(messages[], pop3server$, userName$, password$)

print("r=", r$, "\n")
print("_errno=", _errno$, "\n")

n = getArraySize(messages[])
for i=0 to n - 1
	// store the mails in subfolder 'mails'
	saveFile("mails\\" + int(i + 1) + "-mail.txt" $, messages[i]$)
end for

See also: sendMail, setSMTPSever.