What are operators?


1. Generalities
2. Math operators
3. String operators

1. Generalities
The operators are the characters or signs you use in expressions like 2+3 or 2*a + b, etc... to carry out different operations.

Each operator has a specific priority, for example multiplications take precedence over additions.
Expressions are evaluated from left to right.

The dollar sign '$' must be placed at the end of an expression to indicate that the the expression must be evaluated in a string context.
Not like: if a$ = "hello" and b$ = "world"
but like: if a = "hello" and b = "world"$
If you need both contexts in the same expression, the way to do it is to use parentheses:
if (a = "hello"$) and c = 7

2. Math operators
1 = done first,
8 = done last
Operator Use
1 ^ Exponent.
p = 2 ^ 3, p contains 8
2 * Multiplication.
m = 4 * 3, m contains 12
2 / Division.
d = 10 / 3, d contains 3.3333
2 % Modulo, that is the remainder of a division of an integer by another integer. If you use floating point values, they will first be transformed into integers.
m = 10 % 3, m contains 1
3 + Addition
a = 10 + 4, a contains 14
3 - Substraction.
s = 5 - 3, s contains 2
4 & Binary and.
b = 3 & 2, b contains 2
4 | Binary or.
o= 5 | 3, o contains 7
6 < 'Less than'.
l = 5 < 3, l contains 0
l = 1 < 2, l contains 1
This operator is mainly used in tests, like in: 'if a < b'
6 > 'Greater than'.
g = 5 > 3, g contains 1
g = 1 > 2, g contains 0
This operator is mainly used in tests, like in: 'if a > b'
6 <= 'Less than or equal to'.
s = 5 <= 3, s contains 0
s = 1 <= 2, s contains 1
This operator is mainly used in tests, like in: 'if a <= b'
6 >= 'Greater than or equal to'.
b = 5 > = 3, b contains 1
b = 1 > = 2, e contains 0
This operator is mainly used in tests, like in: 'if a >= b'
7 !=
Different of.
d = 1 != 2, d contains 1
d = 1 != 1, d contains 0
This operator is mainly used in tests, like in: 'if a != b'
7 = Equality.
This operator, which is the same as the assignment one, is mainly used in tests, like in: 'if a = b'
8 and logical and.
Gives 1 if the two operands are not 0.
A = 5 and 2, A contains 1
A = 5 and 0, A contains 0
This operator is mainly used in tests, 'if a > 2 and a < 10' meaning 'if a is between 2 and 10 excluded'
8 or logical or. Gives 1 if either one the two operands is not 0.
R = 5 and 3, R contains 1
R = 5 and 0, R contains 1
R = 0 and 0, R contains 0
This operator is mainly used in tests like in: 'if a < 2 or b < 2'.

3. String operators
In a string context, some of the operators mentionned above don't apply. Others are used in a different way.
String operators that do comparisons return the string '1' when the comparison is successful, otherwise they return an empty string.
3 = done first,
8 = done last
Operator Use
3 + Concatenation
a = "hello" $
b = "world" $
c = a + " " + b $, c$ contains "hello world"
6 < 'Less than'.
Comparison on the length of the strings
6 > 'Greater than'.
Comparison on the length of the strings
6 <= 'Less than or equal to'.
Comparison on the length of the strings
6 >= 'Greater than or equal to'.
Comparison on the length of the strings
7 !=
Different of.
This operator compares the two strings letter by letter and is case-sensitive.
7 = Equality.
This operator compares the two strings letter by letter and is case-sensitive.
8 and logical and.
"1" is returned if both strings are not empty.
8 or logical or.
"1" is returned if either one of the two string is not empty.