Persistence of data across web forms

Advanced topics

Native session support has been removed with Aptilis 2.4 RC1.
Please use apt.util.Session from the library instead.

1. Introduction
2. Restrictions
3. Troubleshooting and technical details

1. Introduction

Session persistence has to do with CGI applications, or in other words, web based applications.
One annoying thing about web applications, is that your aptilis program (or a program written in any other language) is called repeatedly after each form submission, but it's not the same program (or the same instance of that program) that keeps running from one form to another.
In other words, from one form to the next in -say a booking procedure, all data is lost. To retain it, you must pass it along in hidden fields.
Aptilis remedies that with the '_Session variable'. This variable (which can be an array) keeps its data across sessions.

2. Restrictions

In some cases, although it may appear ideal, it is better not to use the '_Session' variable.

In conclusion, a professional, reliable application should rely on hidden fields passed along the different forms of your web application. You can download a example script which uses session ids and cookies from our script archive. However, the '_Session' variable allows you to develop prototypes much faster, or can even be considered seriously if you have control over the network where your application is used.
Control means that you can ascertain that people's IP numbers don't change, and that -should you need to- you can modify read/write permissions on the server you're using.
You usually have this kind of control when you program for an Intranet (a private network using Internet protocols and software) as opposed to the Internet.
Check the Session example.

3. Troubleshooting and technical details

A. Under Windows 9x/NT/2K/XP
When saving session data, aptilis will look for the following environment variables:
1. tmp
2. temp
3. the default directory where aptilis is, at launch time.

You can check the value of the environment variables through the aptilis global array '_ENV'. It's a key based array, so to get the value for the 'tmp' variable, you need to do:

sub main

        print("Content-type: text/plain\n\n")

        print("tmp: ", _ENV["tmp"]$, "\n")

end main
and you can check the directory you're in with 'getCurrentDirectory'. Aptilis will select the first directory offered by the environment variables or will fall back on its default directory if 'temp' and 'tmp' don't exist. The chosen directory is called the 'Session Directory'.

B. Under Unix
The Unix version of aptilis can only use one directory:
This directory must be writable by the user the webserver runs as, or by everyone, but that's not recommended, as basically this allows scripts to write tons of data, leaving you with little control over what's happening.
Note that if the /tmp/aptilis/ directory does not exist, or the write permissions are wrong, the session persistance feature of aptilis is disabled with negligible effects on performance.

C. general information
Aptilis keeps its information tidy in a file called 'aptilis-cgi-sessions.dat' in the Session Directory. Several other files with names following the pattern 'sessXXXX.dat' where 'XXXX' is a hexadecimal serial number are also kept in the Session Directory.
If errors occur, they are kept in an error log file called 'aptilis-cgi-session-errors.txt' which you can check. However, if you do not have write permission to the Session Directory aptilis will not be able to log the errors!
Your troubleshooting should start with finding out where aptilis wants to save it's session data (tmp? temp? the default directory?), then check write permissions and finally analysing the error log.
Note that you can reset all session data by erasing the 'aptilis-cgi-sessions.dat' file.